Frequently Asked Questions About Rust Preventatives


Rust is a pervasive issue affecting numerous industries worldwide, causing damage to valuable assets and infrastructure. Fortunately, rust preventatives present themselves as a viable solution, combatting corrosion effectively while preserving structural integrity. Despite its widespread usage, confusion still surrounds the topic of rust inhibitors. This blog post aims to clarify frequently asked questions concerning rust preventatives, shedding light on essential aspects of product selection, application processes, and environmental considerations.

What is Rust Prevention?

Rust prevention is a process of protecting metal surfaces from corrosion caused by rust. It involves using various techniques and products to prevent the formation of rust on metal surfaces, which can lead to deterioration and damage.

What are Rust Preventatives?

Rust preventatives are products specifically designed to inhibit rust and corrosion on metal surfaces. They come in various forms, such as coatings, sprays, and oils, and can be applied through different methods, including brushing, spraying, or dipping.

How Does Rust Prevention Work?

Rust prevention creates a barrier between the metal surface and oxygen or moisture, which are the main culprits of rust formation. This barrier can be achieved through different methods, including coating the metal with a protective layer or treating it with chemicals that neutralize corrosion-causing agents.

Why is Rust Prevention Important?

Rust prevention is essential because rust can cause significant damage to metal structures and equipment. It affects the appearance of the metal and weakens its structural integrity, leading to potential safety hazards and costly repairs. By implementing rust preventative measures, you can prolong the lifespan of your metal assets and ensure their optimal performance.

How Do I Choose the Appropriate Rust Preventative?

Selecting the proper rust preventative depends on several factors: the intended surface material, exposure conditions, required longevity, and environmental regulations governing disposal. Oil-based coatings excel in extreme environments characterized by excessive humidity or saltwater presence, whereas water-soluble fluids prove suitable for delicate parts susceptible to contamination buildup. Consider consulting technical data sheets accompanying respective products for detailed guidance on suitability criteria. Moreover, you should also assess the method of application and drying time to ensure compatibility with your production schedule.

Can Rust Preventatives Harm Human Health or Environment?

Certain types of rust preventatives contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), posing risks to human health and ecological systems if improperly handled or disposed of. Always adhere to manufacturer guidelines stipulated on safety datasheets and consult local regulatory bodies regulating chemical management practices.

Whenever feasible, opt for environmentally friendly alternatives, such as biodegradable lubricants derived from plant sources, non-toxic inhibitors containing salts or phosphates, or nanotechnology-infused coatings exhibiting inherent anti-corrosive properties.

Are There Different Types of Rust Preventatives?

Yes, there are various types of rust preventatives available on the market. Some common categories include oil-based coatings, water-soluble fluids, and dry film lubricants. Within these categories, there may also be subtypes, such as synthetic oils or emulsions for oil-based coatings and different drying agents for water-soluble fluids.


LUBIMAX® is the preferred Lubricant Additive brand by the top lubricant companies in UAE; it offers a wide range of Rust Preventatives that effectively protect metal parts from rust and corrosion during storage and shipment. These additives can be used to produce high-performance oil-based, solvent-based, or water-based rust preventive fluids, meeting the requirements of different applications.

By forming protective films, these rust prevention additives provide superior protection for metal surfaces that are stored in environments with high rust potential. Depending on the type of carrier fluids and the additive, various types of films, such as dry-to-touch, waxy, greasy or oily, thick, thin, or ultra-thin films, can be formed. Then, protective films can be removed with solvents and/or alkaline cleaners, depending on film type and thickness. Some of these packages also provide demulsibility, water displacement, enhanced salt spray protection, and non-staining properties.

Finished rust preventive products that provide maximum long-term or temporary protection of the metals can be formulated by proper rust prevention additives selected based on several parameters. Some of the most important parameters are storage and shipment environmental conditions, storage duration, and additional properties such as demulsibility/emulsibility, water separation, etc.

Thin Film: The Guardian Against Indoor Elements

Thin film protective coatings are engineered to offer prolonged indoor protection, ensuring that surfaces remain intact and free from damage. These coatings, characterized by their dry-to-touch, greasy, or oily finish, are meticulously formulated by diluting them in solvents, oils, or a blend of both. The unique composition of thin film products makes them an ideal choice for safeguarding equipment and parts stored indoors, where they provide a barrier against moisture, dust, and light mechanical abrasion.

Acid Atmosphere: The Invisible Shield

In environments where acidity poses a threat to metal surfaces, acid atmosphere products are the unsung heroes. These specialized coatings create a virtually invisible protective film that excels in defending metals against the corrosive effects of acidic conditions. By diluting these products in oil, solvent, or a combination thereof, they form a robust barrier that ensures the longevity and integrity of metal components, even in challenging acidic environments.

Heavy Duty: The Fortified Protector for the Outdoors

For outdoor applications where the elements are unforgiving, heavy-duty protective coatings are the go-to solution. These products are formulated to leave a visible, thick, dry-to-touch, greasy, or oily film that stands up to the rigors of outdoor exposure. Whether it’s rain, sunlight, or fluctuating temperatures, heavy-duty coatings provide an impenetrable layer of protection. Diluted in oil, solvent, or water, these coatings are designed for the most demanding conditions, ensuring that surfaces remain protected against corrosion, fading, and other forms of environmental damage.

Emulsifiable: The Flexible, Ultra-Thin Layer

Emulsifiable products represent the pinnacle of flexibility and convenience in protective coatings. These formulations are designed to create an ultra-thin film that provides essential protection without altering the appearance or feel of the surface. By diluting these products in oil or directly into water, manufacturers can produce concentrates that are easy for end users to further dilute with water according to their specific needs. This adaptability makes emulsifiable coatings a popular choice for a wide range of applications, offering a protective layer that is both effective and unobtrusive.

Each type of thin film protective coating serves a unique purpose, catering to specific environmental challenges and protection needs. Whether it’s for indoor storage, resistance against acidic atmospheres, heavy-duty outdoor protection, or flexible, ultra-thin barriers, these coatings ensure that surfaces are well-guarded against potential damage. By understanding the distinct qualities and applications of each, users can select the most appropriate protective solution to extend the life and maintain the appearance of their valuable assets.

Contact our experienced team today for further details and competitive pricing at

The Role of Additives in Prolonging Engine Component Lifespan


In the world of modern engines, where performance, efficiency, and longevity are paramount, the role of lubricant additives cannot be overstated. Engine oil additives play a crucial role in ensuring that the heart of a vehicle, the engine, remains in top-notch condition for years to come. In this blog, we will explore the significance of additives in prolonging engine component lifespan, shedding light on their role in enhancing performance and reliability.

Understanding Engine Oil Additives

Before delving into the role of additives, it’s essential to understand what they are. Engine oil additives are chemical compounds blended into engine oil to improve its performance and protect vital engine components. These additives are meticulously designed to meet the specific requirements of modern engines, which operate even under high temperatures and extreme pressures.

Enhancing Lubrication

One of the primary functions of engine oil is to lubricate moving parts within the engine. Without proper lubrication, friction between components can lead to wear and its consequences, reducing the engine’s lifespan. Engine oil additives manufacturers formulate their products to enhance this lubrication process.

Additives act as friction modifiers, reducing the amount of friction generated between metal surfaces. This reduction in friction not only helps in minimizing wear but also improves fuel efficiency. Reduced friction equals less energy lost as heat, making the engine more efficient and responsive.

Cleaning and Preventing Deposits

As engines operate, combustion byproducts, dirt, and other contaminants can accumulate within the engine. These deposits can hinder engine performance, reduce fuel efficiency, and, over time, cause damage. This is where detergents and dispersants in engine oil additive packages come into play.

Detergents in additives work to break down and remove deposits that can build up on engine components. They keep critical engine parts, such as the pistons and cylinder walls, clean and free from harmful deposits. Dispersants, however, work to suspend and disperse solid contaminants within the oil, preventing them from settling and causing damage.

Temperature Control

Modern engines operate at high temperatures, and excessive heat can lead to oil breakdown and reduced lubrication. To combat this, engine oil additive packages often include heat-resistant compounds. These compounds help the oil maintain its viscosity and lubricating properties even in extreme heat conditions.

Corrosion and Oxidation Prevention

Engines are exposed to oxygen, which can lead to oil oxidation over time. Oxidized oil becomes less effective at lubrication and can corrode engine components. Antioxidants and corrosion inhibitors in engine oil additives work to prevent oxidation and protect engine parts from corrosion, ensuring a longer lifespan for the engine.

Seal Conditioning

Seals within the engine are essential for preventing oil leaks and maintaining proper pressure. Over time, seals can become brittle and lose their effectiveness. Seal conditioners in engine oil additives help to keep seals pliable, preventing leaks and maintaining the engine’s integrity.

Fuel Economy and Emissions

Engine oil additives also play a role in improving fuel economy and reducing emissions. Reduced friction, better lubrication, and cleaner engine components all contribute to improved fuel efficiency. By ensuring the engine operates efficiently, additives help reduce harmful emissions, making a vehicle more environmentally friendly.

In the world of automotive engineering, engine oil additives are the unsung heroes that ensure a vehicle’s engine’s longevity and optimal performance. From reducing friction and preventing deposits to controlling temperature and enhancing fuel efficiency, these additives perform a multitude of critical functions. The meticulous work of engine oil additives manufacturers ensures that car engines remain a reliable powerhouse, delivering peak performance while extending their lifespan.

LUBIMAX® Range of Engine Oil Additive Packages

LUBIMAX® presents an extensive selection of meticulously crafted additive packages tailored for the production of high-performance engine oils. These additives find application in formulating a diverse range of engine oils, including:

  • Passenger Car Motor Oil (PCMO)
  • Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil (HDEO)
  • Natural Gas Engine Oil (NGEO)
  • Railroad and Marine Engine Oil
  • 2-stroke Engine Oil

Our LUBIMAX® additive packages are engineered with a precise selection of components, meticulously designed to meet the stringent requirements set forth by esteemed international organizations such as API, ACEA, ILSAC, SAE, JASO, LMOA, and renowned OEMs.

LUBIMAX® Cutting Fluids

Cutting Fluids

Did you know?

Cutting Fluids play a pivotal role in metal processing. They cool, lubricate, inhibit corrosion, and flush away metal chips. There are two main types of Cutting Fluids:

💧 Water-based Cutting Fluids:

These are usually emulsions prepared by diluting a concentrate with water. They’re used in drilling, cutting, turning, and grinding metal parts.

🛢️ Neat Oils:

Conversely, are non-water-miscible preparations used straight from the manufacturer in cutting, grinding, and honing. Both types have a complex composition, often based on mineral oils or synthetic hydrocarbons. They contain various additives like emulsifiers, buffers, stabilizers, anti-fog additives, foam inhibitors, solubility enhancers, lubricants, corrosion inhibitors, extreme-pressure additives, and biocides tailored to specific needs.

But here’s the catch – water-based Cutting Fluids can change during the working process. The concentration may rise due to water vaporization, the emulsion might break, and the pH may shift due to heating or bacterial contamination. Additional biocides may be added during use to prevent microbial growth, and other oils may leak into the Cutting Fluids from processing machines. So next time you see a metal part, remember the crucial role of Cutting Fluids in its creation and the intricate science behind these fluids!

Unlock optimum cutting fluid performance with the LUBIMAX® SolCut series. Experience unparalleled productivity and efficiency with the advanced LUBIMAX® SolCut Series, your key to formulating the perfect cutting fluid. Say goodbye to frequent tool replacements and downtime, and embrace extended tool life, ensuring maximum throughput for your operations.

Meet the demands of modern-day ultra-high-speed and high-pressure machining with confidence. Our cutting-edge technology empowers you to craft high-quality parts from new, lightweight, and high-strength special alloys, elevating your production to new heights.

Safety and environmental consciousness are at the heart of the LUBIMAX® SolCut Series. Witness a significant reduction in waste, energy consumption, and water usage, positively impacting both your bottom line and the planet. Take a step towards sustainable manufacturing practices and create a safer working environment for your team.

Discover the potential with LUBIMAX® SolCut Series. Embrace the future of cutting fluid technology today!

Contact us today for competitive pricing or technical details.

Dispelling Myths: Debunking Common Myths about Grease Additives

Grease Additives

Grease is an indispensable lubricant that ensures the seamless operation of machinery and equipment across various industries, from automotive to manufacturing. Nevertheless, myths and misunderstandings often cloud the world of grease and its additives. In this blog, we aim to demystify these misconceptions and shed light on the pivotal role of grease additives. Grease manufacturers and grease additive suppliers play crucial roles in developing effective grease formulations, emphasizing the importance of separating facts from fiction.

Myth 1: All Greases Are the Same

One of the most common misconceptions is the belief that all greases are the same. In reality, distinct types of grease are meticulously formulated to perform optimally in specific conditions and applications. Greases can differ in terms of their base oils, thickening agents, and, notably, additives. Grease manufacturers carefully tailor their products to suit diverse industrial requirements.

Fact: Grease additives play an instrumental role in customizing grease formulations to meet specific performance needs. Be it the improvement of high-temperature stability, enhancing water resistance, or reducing friction and wear, the right additives are indispensable for crafting greases that excel in a variety of environments.

Myth 2: Grease Additives Are Optional

There exists a misconception that grease additives are an optional component in grease formulations. Some may assume that a lubricating grease’s base properties suffice to fulfil all lubrication needs.

Fact: Grease additives are not optional; they are essential for optimizing grease performance. Without additives, greases may not provide adequate protection against corrosion, wear, and extreme temperatures. Grease additive suppliers offer a range of additives, each designed to address specific challenges and enhance grease performance.

Myth 3: More Additives Equal Better Performance

Another misconception is the belief that simply adding more additives to grease will automatically enhance its performance. While additives are crucial, excessive amounts can lead to issues such as separation or reduced stability.

Fact: Achieving the right balance of additives is key to formulating effective grease. Grease manufacturers collaborate closely with grease additive suppliers to determine the optimal combination of additives, ensuring the grease performs reliably in its intended application.

Myth 4: All Grease Additives Are Harmful to the Environment

Environmental concerns have led to the misconception that all grease additives are harmful and pose a threat to ecosystems.

Fact: Grease additive suppliers offer an array of environmentally friendly additives. These additives are designed to meet stringent environmental regulations while delivering exceptional performance. Grease manufacturers can select eco-friendly additives to create effective and environmentally responsible greases.

Myth 5: Grease Additives Are Only for Extreme Conditions

Some individuals believe that grease additives are exclusively required for extreme operating conditions and that standard greases do not require additional enhancements.

Fact: Even in less extreme conditions, grease additives can yield significant benefits. They can extend the lubrication intervals, reduce friction, and enhance overall equipment reliability. Grease manufacturers often formulate greases with additives to ensure consistent performance across various operating conditions.

Myth 6: Grease Additives Are All About Reducing Friction

While reducing friction is one of the roles of grease additives, it’s important to note that they serve multiple functions.

Fact: Grease additives play multifaceted roles, including the prevention of corrosion, enhancement of thermal stability, improvement of water resistance, and minimization of wear. The selection of additives depends on the specific challenges the grease will encounter in its application.

Myth 7: Mix Different Grease Additives Freely Is Acceptable

A misconception exists that it’s permissible to freely mix various grease additives.

Fact: Mixing grease additives without understanding their compatibility can lead to unintended consequences, such as reduced effectiveness or even chemical reactions that compromise grease performance. Grease manufacturers carefully select additives to ensure they work harmoniously together.

Grease additives are pivotal in tailoring lubricating greases to meet the precise requirements of various industries and applications. Grease manufacturers collaborate closely with grease additive suppliers to create formulations that provide optimal protection, reduce friction, and enhance equipment performance. Dispelling these common myths about grease additives is essential for understanding their significance and their substantial role in maintaining machinery and equipment across multiple industries. Remember that the right grease, combined with the right additives, can make a world of difference in keeping the machinery running smoothly.

LUBIMAX® provides meticulously crafted additive packages and components tailored for the production of high-performance greases across a wide spectrum of applications. These offerings are designed to significantly enhance grease performance, ensuring that the finished products possess the desired properties. For further information, please feel free to connect with us.

Techno-Commercial Session – Automechanika Istanbul


Our team recently attended Automechanika Istanbul, a globally renowned trade fair for the automotive aftermarket industry. This year’s event, held from June 8th to 11th, 2023, proved to be a significant experience for the LUBIMAX® team. Our team experienced the excitement of reinforcing our relations with our business partners, beginning new collaborations and being together with industry experts.

On June 9th, 2023, in collaboration with our esteemed partners Kemipex and Alyachem, we organized a Techno-Commercial Session. This session provided us with an exceptional platform to strengthen our existing relationships with our business partners while exploring exciting opportunities for future collaborations. Additionally, we had the privilege of being in the company of industry experts, which added immense value to our experience.

Throughout the event, our team actively engaged in networking activities along with commercial and technical presentations delivered by two distinguished speakers. Ben Nathan, the Kemipex Global Technical and Business Development Manager, shared invaluable insights into the latest LUBIMAX® products. Emrah Parmak, the Alyachem Sales Manager, provided a comprehensive overview of market trends and opportunities. This exposure allowed us to showcase the extensive range of LUBIMAX® products, highlighting their myriad benefits and diverse applications. Moreover, we took pride in demonstrating the expertise of our team and the unique solutions we offer to our customers.

The Automechanika Istanbul event proved to be a resounding success for us. We are immensely grateful to all our partners and visitors who took the time to participate and contribute to another LUBIMAX® event. Your presence and active engagement played a pivotal role in making this event an unforgettable experience.

Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate attending Automechanika Istanbul next year, where we hope to build on our success and continue fostering stronger connections with our partners and customers. We also plan to host more Techno-Commercial Sessions, providing a platform for industry professionals to come together, exchange knowledge, and explore innovative solutions.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made Techno-Commercial Session a success. Your support and participation are deeply appreciated. We remain committed to delivering excellence in our products and services, and we look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with all of you.

NLGI 25th Lubricating Grease Conference


NLGI recently celebrated its Silver Jubilee 25th Lubricating Grease Conference from 3rd to 5th March at the Grand Hyatt Gurgaon in India. As platinum sponsors, Chemiprime & LUBIMAX® were delighted to showcase our products and experienced team at the event.

During the conference, our Global Business Development Manager delivered an engaging presentation on LUBIMAX® and our diverse product portfolio. Our team was thrilled to showcase our dedication to LUBIMAX® and grateful for the opportunity to do so.

We were honored to have Shri Hardeep Singh Ji Puri, the Honorable Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Minister of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India, visit our LUBIMAX® stand on the inauguration day.

The event was a tremendous success, thanks to our team’s hard work, who designed and created the concept behind the innovative LUBIMAX® exhibition stand. We enjoyed meeting both new and existing customers throughout the three-day event and look forward to continuing to improve our India business.

As we reflect on this year’s NLGI conference, we are excited about sponsoring and exhibiting at next year’s event.

Techno-Commercial Session 2022


LUBIMAX® hosted a Techno-Commercial Session on 23rd November at Automechanika. There were 6 featured speakers from Kemipex, INEOS, BASF and ENI.

The event started at 11 am, with the first speaker being Mr. Luca Salvi from ENI. He graduated as a Chemical Engineer at the University of Rome in 1995 and has been in ENI R&D since 1996. He has been the Head of the ENI Additives Business since 2013 and now has the responsibility for the whole additive business. Mr. Luca Salvi delivered a presentation on ENI Lubricant Additives.

The second speaker was Kemipex’s Head of Innovation, Dr. Rolfe Hartley, who is based in the USA. Dr. Rolfe has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Illinois. He started his career in 1984 working for Ethyl Petroleum Additives, which was later renamed Afton Corporation. Dr Rolfe worked in Analytical reverse engineering competitive packages and was named head of ATF package development at Afton. With more than 12 years of experience at Afton, he then joined Infinium for more than 15 years, where he played an important role in the development of many industrial and automotive additive packages meeting several API and OEM standard levels. He also developed formulations for Hydraulic fluids, 2T formulations and dispersants. Dr Rolfe delivered a presentation on Kemipex Developmental Additive Packages.

An international buffet was served afterwards for lunch for all the attendees; this gave everyone the opportunity to network and catch up with old and new customers.

After lunch, Mr. Ben Nathan, the Kemipex Global Business Development and Technical Manager, who has been with the company for over 8 years, delivered a LUBIMAX® Techno-Commercial Presentation.
Mr. Michel Sanchez-Rivas from INEOS was the fourth speaker. He holds a B.S. in Chemistry and has over 31 years of experience in lubricant additives, formulations, and feedstock base oil manufacturing. He has been with INEOS for the past 16 years and is currently the Polyalphaolefins and Silkflo Polydecenes Market Development Manager Europe/EMEA. Mr. Michel delivered a presentation on Next Generation Low Viscosity PAOs to Continue to Reduce Emissions & Improve Energy Efficiency for E-Mobility.

The final speakers of the Techno-Commercial Session were from BASF. Ms. Ghazaleh Hajaghaie, who is the BASF Senior Technical Sales Manager & Mr. Andreas Minke, who is the Technical Service Manager of Lubricant Components, Business Management EMEA – Fuel and Lubricant Solutions. Ms. Ghazaleh holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and has over 11 years of success in technical sales, fuel and lubricant business. She has worked at BASF for the past 7 years. Mr. Andreas has worked at BASF for the past 12 years and is a qualified chemical technologist. Ms. Ghazaleh started with her presentation of BASF Sustainability & E-Mobility Initiatives, followed by Andreas’ presentation on BASF Specialty Products.

This year’s Techno-Commercial Session was one of our most popular to date, and the LUBIMAX® Team wanted to thank everyone who took the time to attend this year.

We look forward to next year’s event and hosting more in the near future.



LUBIMAX® 1609 is a premium fully formulated API SN additive package. Its high-quality raw materials have been selected to provide synergistic protection and proven performance in PCMO applications. LUBIMAX® 1609 is a versatile product that covers the performance level requirements of API SN with a very low and cost-effective treat-rate in the appropriate Group II, Group III and Group IV Base Oils.

• Proven performance engine tests
• Excellent detergency and dispersancy
• High oxidation stability and corrosion inhibition
• Wear protection at low temperatures
• Cost-effective formulation

• Multi-grade PCMO: 5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40


Esprene® SPO grades supply under Lubimax® Brand name


LUBIMAX® is pleased to inform you that based on a mutual agreement between SUMITOMO Chemical Japan and CoraPlus Pte. Ltd. Singapore, SUMITOMO Japan has started to supply and pack all ranges of ESPRENE® SPO products with the brand name of LUBIMAX® using the same product codes.

While these products remain exactly the same, only the brand name will be changed on bags and all related documents. This change is a result of Coraplus’ long-term cooperation and partnership with SUMITOMO Japan to better integrate these Viscosity Improver grades into the broader range of LUBIMAX® products.

In this respect, the following product names will be changed with immediate effect. An example of the previous ESPRENE® SPO Bag with the new and updated LUBIMAX® Bag is shown below along with a video which you can watch below.


Please contact us at for the rebranded TDS and SDS.
We take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and look forward to satisfying your new orders with the updated branding.
We will keep you updated on the commencement of the new brand production

New Product Lubimax® 1601HT


LUBIMAX® 1601HT is a high-performance and extremely cost-effective cascade additive package especially designed for formulating mono- and multi-grade engine oils.

This product contains high quality basic components that provide excellent control of deposits formation, oil oxidation, wear, and corrosion.

LUBIMAX® 1601HT has been developed to meet API SF/CF performance levels and lower. This additive package can be used with a wide range of Base oils, Viscosity Modifiers and Pour point depressants to formulate premium quality engine oils with various viscosity grades.

• Good rust and corrosion inhibition
• Anti-oxidation and Antiwear properties
• Extremely cost-effective treat-rate
• Long lasting durability
• High compatibility with other formulations ingredients

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